Bayport Fire Department Engine Company 1 will host the LifeGuard Systems Surface Ice Rescue Technician Level 1 class in 2026. As in the past, these classes fill up quickly. Level II will be held on Saturday and Sunday (Feb 21 & Feb 22, 2026) from 8am to approximately 5pm (3pm on Sun). Three is a MAX of 50 people for this class.
Level II
This class will teach your members to safely and rapidly rescue multiple victims, at further distances with the use of additional technical equipment such as pulleys and ice screws. Unlike the Level 1 class, Level two is primarily outside hands on both days (adjustments may be made to this depending on ice conditions or lack thereof).
LGS Surface Ice Tech 1 is required for this class.
Since the instructor-to-student ratio is scheduled before the class, walk-in enrollments will not be permitted on the day of the class unless the student is an additional or substitute student of an already enrolled group.
If any students have any illness or flu, common cold symptoms, you will not be permitted to attend. We are asking you to be responsible and notify us in advance. You will not be charged if you have to cancel due to illness. The BFD, will take the necessary precautions to adhere to social distancing and other preventive measures to ensure the safety of all attending.
A voucher/Purchase order or check is due at the beginning of the class on Saturday. Cancellations must be done 10 days prior to the start of the class. You may replace any member at any time prior to the start of the class. If a reserved position is canceled less than 10 days prior to the start of the class, and the spot can not be filled by Engine Company no 1 or by your department/district, you will be charged for the reserved spot. Additionally, any enrolled members who do not show, or drop out will be charged the full rate. The only exception to this may be made at the discretion of Bayport FD Engine Company 1.
Additional Terms and Conditions:
No student will be permitted to take the class while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
No alcohol will be served or permitted during the class
Failure to follow any of the terms and conditions may forfeit the student's enrollment without a refund.
Medical Terms and Conditions:
Each student will have their vital signs checked periodically before and during the class. Any student whose vital signs are deemed out of normal range may be prohibited from participating in the hands-on portion of the class and will receive an Operations certificate instead of a Technician certificate. This will be at the description of either LGS, Engine Company, and/or onsite medical personnel.
Any student that has a current or past medical history that includes but is not limited to, Cardiac, Respiratory, Seizures, or other conditions and disabilities may be prohibited from participating in the hands-on portion of the class and will receive an Operations certificate instead of a Technician certificate. This will be at the description of either LGS, Engine Company, and/or onsite medical personnel.
All students must be currently an active member of a recognized Fire, EMS or Police Agency and insured by said agency for participating in a hands-on training class.
Any student injured at any time during the class must notify the officers of Engine Company 1 and must be medically evaluated by onsite medical personnel. The student's continuation in the class will be determined by the extent of the injury and recommendation of the onsite medical personnel as well as the student's chief officer. LGS and Engine company reserve the right to have the student continue with the class if necessary.
Event Date | 02-21-2026 8:00 am |
Event End Date | 02-22-2026 5:00 pm |
Cut off date | 02-01-2026 |
Capacity | 50 |
Registered | 0 |
Available place | 50 |
Individual Price | $275.00 |
Speaker | Butch Hendrick |
Location | Bayport Fire Department |
The Bayport Fire Department Headquarters is located at 251 Snedecor Avenue, Bayport NY 11705.
Parking is available to the rear of the Firehouse. Please use caution as this is an active fire department. Do not park your vehicle in the front of the firehouse or block any entrances/exits or create any hazard where you may interfere with responding emergency personnel and emergency vehicles.
Bayport Fire Department Park:
The Bayport Fire Department Park is located adjacent to the Main Fire headquarters. People attending events at the Department Park should park their vehicles on Scotty Farrell Way (the road adjacent to the firehouse) unless otherwise directed. Please use caution as this road is used for responding emergency personnel and emergency vehicles.
Please note: During Big Buck$, only handicap parking is available on the property. All others will be directed to park offsite by our fire police.